Wednesday 31 March 2010

Group Responsibilities

Final Group Responsibilites

Monday 29 March 2010


Friday 19 March 2010

Filming Jurnal- Sam Lee

5th March 2010
On the Friday we started filming our thriller, our original 2 main characters could not make it and as the deadline was approaching on us we had to ask a class member to do it.
Our Filming started midday at havering college, we had no problems filming how ever our actor was not up to scratch for the part we needed her to play. We also fount out after that we had not shot enough footage so a re-shoot was inevitable.
Our location then changed to an alley in Hornchurch where our snatch scene was to be filmed. The director ordered many shots such as long shot, establishing shot and close ups. The acting was of a poor standard so i had to shoot the scene in away that the poor standard of the acting would not be to obvious.
Whilst filming the director and I observed some horizontal grey line going across the screen, thus being the reason why we lost half our footage whilst editing.

15th March 2010
We had to re-shoot our film as the footage we shot was not of a standard we had hoped for. We purchased a new tape and also got two new actors that had some experience in the past . Learning from our mistakes from the last shooting we decided to shoot more shots at the college and explore different angles.
Once at Hornchurch we more or less did use the same techniques as before however I didn’t have to hide the poor acting as the actors were of a better standard than before.
One of the main problems of the day was the cars driving past infront of the video camera and pedestrians wanting to get past. However the main problem of the day was shooting the dialogue as one of the actors kept laughing and smiling, and this did not fit in with their part.
Our best bit of footage that day was the punch scene, we got somebody to stand behing the camera with their hand to the side of it to give the actor a good target to punch at and also created a good sound effect for the punch. Once she had punched the hand we tilted the camera sideways to give the audience the impression that the girl had been knocked out.

18th March 2010
On Wednesday night we were in the middle of editing when we realised the dialogue scene was not to the quality we had hoped for. Therefore we decided to shoot one last time to get it right. Emmanuel Filmed 50% of the shots including the punch scene, Sophie being dragged and also the sequence were Sophie leaves college
We skipped to the scene where the pursuer catches our protagonist, instead of using a over the shoulder shot we decided to use a point of view shot where I would run along side the pursuer catching the moment where he grabs and pulls back our protagonist. We tried this many times as at first it did not work but with practise it looked better and better. It worked well and looked good when we looked back on our footage. We then re-filmed the dialogue scene, but we did this in a different way and different order. For the dialogue scene we first used a point of view shot, and then cut to an over the shoulder shot. Finally we changed the last scene of the thriller. Instead of a car scene we filmed our protagonist being dragged using a cut in. we filmed her legs moving as if she was getting dragged away. Moreover we got our antagonist to go on the phone as if she was on the phone to “the boss.” We did this by having a close up of the phone; we got a contact the ring the phone as changed the name of that contact to “the boss.” We had a problem of the cameras refection on the phone but finally we managed to get the camera at an appropriate angle and did the shot.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Editors Journal- Peter Otuwehinmi

March 15 2010.
Today I started with the editing just to see the footage we had so far. Unfortunately the footage wasn’t good enough to be edited. The main problem was the fact that there were soon many mistakes with the camera work and acting, moreover the tap we used was damaged therefore the quality of film wasn’t good at all. Although there were a few shots that were saved onto the pc. As they were the best shots we had at the time, which was the scene where we have one of our characters leaning against the wall and noticing our protagonist walking past. Apart from that we needed to re-film the whole thing again so that we could change the tape, and correct some of the mistakes that were made during filming.

March 16 2010.
Today I started editing again. This footage we had now was much better than before. The camera work was better and the mistakes made during the 1st filming were corrected. While cropping the footage we had we started to notice some hitches within the acting although these could still be hidden by editing. I managed to get the first 30 second of the film done to a reasonable standard. With this I started to explore the software of final cut pro more. I figured out how to change the speed of the clips moreover I also figured out how to change the lighting of the film, in addition to crop the image so that objects we have captured within the shot that were not meant to be there can be eliminated.

March 17 2010.
Today I got a lot of the editing done, due to the fact that I now have more knowledge through experience on the software, I managed to get a lot of editing done. How ever we got up to the part where our protagonist gets caught b y her pursuer and receives her text book. He figured that this scene was not that good and would need re filming.
March 22 2010.
I Finlay received the tape wit the re-filming done, and we managed to put everything into place, now all that needed to be done was add music.
March 23 2010
Today i Finlay added transitions to the film. I learnt this by the assistance of others that have more experience with the software of final cut pro. they showed me how to do one transition and i did the rest. what was left to do was choose the music for the film. orginonally i tried to make some music with layers from different sounds using soundtrack pro for the chase scene, but due to the advise of someone that would fall into the target audience for our film, the music didn't go well with the chase scene, so i chose a ready made beat for the chase scene instead, which worked out much better.
March 24 2010
Today the final touches where put on the film before it was uploaded to youtube. when we uploaded the video we found out the format it was uploadied in wasnt supported well by the youtube site.
march 29 2010
Today we finnaly found a format in which we could sucessfully upload our video to youtube. and feedback so far from posting the video on facebook has bee very possitive.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Directors Filming Journal - (Emmanuel Olobio)

Friday 5th March 2010
We filmed the first scene outside of the college for this we only needed one of the cast. This was basic shots of her leaving the college we stuck to the original shot list and plan. We had trouble setting the tripod to different positions and angles which wasted a lot of time between each shots also filming at a time where it was clear from the general public outside the college gates. I helped the camera man in filming various shots at both locations and directed the cast during filming to benefit the shots taken. When we looked at the footage of the opening scene in the editing suite i was not happy with the continuity of the shots and also there was too much head space. The acting was not meeting our expectations also when considering the scenes had to create fear, suspense and action to create a credible and realistic thriller as the director I made the decision to re-shoot the scene.

Monday 15th March 2010
After various cast let downs and problems with scheduling we found a new cast who would be flexible enough to meet our filming demands. This was the first time filming with our new cast, we originally planned to film in the morning but due to the area being busy we filmed in the afternoon. We kept in mind the mistakes we made when filming the first time around and try to rectify this when re-filming. Lighting was a problem as it was quite bright but we new that this could altered in the editing process. When we looked back at the footage we saw that a majority of the shots we were pleased with but there still was a few shots preferably in the shot reverse shot scene and the point of you shot that needed to be re-filmed. Also there was trouble in getting a car that was suitable for our thriller and also we had a two minute thriller to construct and the car scene would go over that time period. So as the director i decided to change the ending to the character of Sophie being dragged off down the alley, as opposed to her being bundled into a car.

Thursday 18th March 2010
Although the deadline was looming i knew that the a few shots had to be re filmed in order to get the most possible marks, so today we retook those shots. As the camera man was unable to attend i took over the role of cameraman. I explored some different ideas as I knew this would be the last chance we would get to re film before the deadline so i added a brief phone conversation with the character betty and her boss with close up shots on the phone and also of her. We also re filmed the punch scene because i felt that the shot didn’t have the right impact that it needed to. Upon viewing these new shots in the editing suite i am confident that they will be suitable for editing into our thriller.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Change to story line - Emmanuel Olobio

Due to unforeseen difficulties we were unable to secure a car that would be suitable for the end of the opening two minute sequence. So as director i changed the ending of the opening sequence. This change means that instead of Sophie being carried into a car that pulls up at the alley entrance, Betty will receive a call from the boss although we cannot her the conversation Betty tells the caller "i've got her" referring to Sophie. Then a low angled shot cuts to Sophie on the floor as she is dragged offscreen. I feel that this change will still have the action and suspense as the previous ending.

Call sheet - Emmanuel Olobio

This is a picture of the call sheet that we needed to fill in, in order to take the camera equipment out from the technicians. As we are taking the camera off campus to an open location all the relevant fields needed to be filled in for health and safety reasons.

Monday 15 March 2010

Production Schedule - Emmanuel Olobio

Production Schedule

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Story Board - Emmanuel Olobio

Story Board

Monday 1 March 2010

Production Brief- Emmanuel Olobio

Production Brief[1]