Friday 19 March 2010

Filming Jurnal- Sam Lee

5th March 2010
On the Friday we started filming our thriller, our original 2 main characters could not make it and as the deadline was approaching on us we had to ask a class member to do it.
Our Filming started midday at havering college, we had no problems filming how ever our actor was not up to scratch for the part we needed her to play. We also fount out after that we had not shot enough footage so a re-shoot was inevitable.
Our location then changed to an alley in Hornchurch where our snatch scene was to be filmed. The director ordered many shots such as long shot, establishing shot and close ups. The acting was of a poor standard so i had to shoot the scene in away that the poor standard of the acting would not be to obvious.
Whilst filming the director and I observed some horizontal grey line going across the screen, thus being the reason why we lost half our footage whilst editing.

15th March 2010
We had to re-shoot our film as the footage we shot was not of a standard we had hoped for. We purchased a new tape and also got two new actors that had some experience in the past . Learning from our mistakes from the last shooting we decided to shoot more shots at the college and explore different angles.
Once at Hornchurch we more or less did use the same techniques as before however I didn’t have to hide the poor acting as the actors were of a better standard than before.
One of the main problems of the day was the cars driving past infront of the video camera and pedestrians wanting to get past. However the main problem of the day was shooting the dialogue as one of the actors kept laughing and smiling, and this did not fit in with their part.
Our best bit of footage that day was the punch scene, we got somebody to stand behing the camera with their hand to the side of it to give the actor a good target to punch at and also created a good sound effect for the punch. Once she had punched the hand we tilted the camera sideways to give the audience the impression that the girl had been knocked out.

18th March 2010
On Wednesday night we were in the middle of editing when we realised the dialogue scene was not to the quality we had hoped for. Therefore we decided to shoot one last time to get it right. Emmanuel Filmed 50% of the shots including the punch scene, Sophie being dragged and also the sequence were Sophie leaves college
We skipped to the scene where the pursuer catches our protagonist, instead of using a over the shoulder shot we decided to use a point of view shot where I would run along side the pursuer catching the moment where he grabs and pulls back our protagonist. We tried this many times as at first it did not work but with practise it looked better and better. It worked well and looked good when we looked back on our footage. We then re-filmed the dialogue scene, but we did this in a different way and different order. For the dialogue scene we first used a point of view shot, and then cut to an over the shoulder shot. Finally we changed the last scene of the thriller. Instead of a car scene we filmed our protagonist being dragged using a cut in. we filmed her legs moving as if she was getting dragged away. Moreover we got our antagonist to go on the phone as if she was on the phone to “the boss.” We did this by having a close up of the phone; we got a contact the ring the phone as changed the name of that contact to “the boss.” We had a problem of the cameras refection on the phone but finally we managed to get the camera at an appropriate angle and did the shot.