Saturday 30 January 2010

Genre research - Todorov's Theory (Emmanuel Olobio)

Tzvetan Todorov is a Bulgarian philosopher who's theory entails five stages in which the narrative can pass through.

• A state of equilibrium (all is as it should be)
• A disruption of that order by an event
• A recognition that the disorder has occurred
• An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption
• A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium

The theory basically means that the disequilibrium (the problem in the narrative) needs to be restored, e.g a kidnapping or revenge for a murder. But when the equilibrium is restored (happy ending) it is in someway different to the start of the story. Through the disequilibrium the characters or situations progress (or grow) in either confidence,physical ability, intellectually etc this process is called character transformation.

Here is Todorov's framework for his theory-
• A murder happens and people are terrified
• Someone vanishes and the characters have to solve the mystery
• Narratives don’t need to be linear.
• The progression from initial equilibrium to restoration always involves a
• The middle period of a narrative can depict actions that transgress everyday habits and
• There can be many disruptions whilst seeking a new equilibrium.