Thursday 25 February 2010

Software - Emmanuel Olobio

Our group had to encompass many different types of software in order to help make our blog more presentable and show our planning in a better format. Some of the software was unfamiliar to us so we had to learn how to use them.

The first piece of software we used was ‘’, it was our first time in using the software which created our brainstorm for our thriller. It enables viewers to our blog to navigate through our mind map in an informative and highly presentable way.

We then used the software called ‘scribd’ to create our script. The format allows viewers of the blog to view the script easier and we were happy with the outcome of the script. We did have some problems initially when uploading it to our blog, but they were shortly resolved with some adjustments.

Whilst doing our preliminary task we came across the software ‘final cut pro’ which was used for editing our preliminary and we will also be using this software when editing our opening two minute sequence to a thriller. Peter who is the editor used the software which at first he found difficult but after time through practice it became easier and we are now confident about using this software on our opening sequence.