Friday 5 February 2010

Treatment - (Emmanuel Olobio)

We are creating the opening 2 minute sequence to a thriller. We chose the thriller genre as it is very popular amongst many of the big box office films and also has broad codes and conventions. Our thriller is called ‘Abduction’ and is based on the theory of an unclear protagonist. At the beginning of the 2 minute sequence it appears that Peter is the antagonist as he is chasing after the protagonist Sophie. We have shown this through the location as it is partly set in a dark alley which is a confined space and has a connotation as dangerous and remote. The casting of Jerome who is black creates a stereotype to the audience that he is violent and threatening as he is of black ethnicity. The lighting in the film is quite dim as it adds danger and suspense which are codes of the thriller genre. Score non-diegetic music is used when the first antagonist Jerome is chasing Sophie. The music helps to create atmosphere. The antagonist threat changes to Betty who approaches when Jerome leaves the scene down the alley after handing the book to Sophie. She is now seen as a mysterious character and at the end when Sophie is knocked unconscious it is clear that betty is the antagonist. Throughout the thriller the antagonist changes to create a twist in the plot therefore creating a realistic thriller. We are marketing our film through you tube. We have chosen because it is a globally known website and would be accessed by our target audience, as statistically the age category of 16-35 is the dominant age group for you tube users.

Target Audience
Our group have decided through the questionnaire and research that the age demographic for our thriller is in the 16-34 category as it contains some scenes of violence which would not be suitable for the under 16 category and is to intense and action packed for 34+ age demographic.

Our thriller uses stereotypes to convey representations as in many films the woman in our case Sophie is weak and vulnerable. Also the antagonist at the start Is Jerome who is black this allows the audience to perceive him as the villain based on his skin colour which creates a representation and also his cloths in this case the hoody and the score music used.

Media Language
Our product will contain many of the normal codes and conventions you will find in a thriller. This includes action, suspense, chases, isolated locations, protagonist, antagonist and also lighting. Many different types of shots will be used like for instance a pov shot will be used to show Sophie’s view point when Jerome pulls the book out of his jacket. Close up shots will be used to show changes in emotions and mid-long shots to construct the chase between the protagonist and the antagonist. The use of score music in our thriller will help to create suspense and vulnerability for the protagonist at beginning of our two minute sequence and also at the end.

We will be using lions gate and twisted pictures as our distributors, because they are multinational film companies that can reach our target audience on a global scale. Ikonic Productions (our group) will be making the film.